Here is a great story by my partner Bill Miller. Bill was contacted by this family.
As you read on you will see how important the wounded Warrior Program is to
the community. Through our Outreach programs (Lure Making, TV Show, Family one on ones, group trips.) It is great to see this family enjoy the day.
Enjoy Bills story as we are working with more families for future trips.
I also included a very touching thank you letter from Alex. Bill and I thank all of
Our sponsors and great supporters.
The call for ice fishing…The phone rang, is there still ice for ice fishing? If so can you take my son Andrew ice fishing? The caller, Lisa a mother of two trying to find a fishing guide service in Colorado to take her 13-year-old son ice fishing. She said that would satisfy his quest for catching a fish through the ice. His father a Special Forces Soldier is out of the U.S.A. and in the war zone will not be home until sometime in late 2011 missing the winter ice fishing season. Lake Ice USA has a perfect first timer lake located at Lower Lake Ranch, Pine, Colorado . The schedule was set meet in Conifer for early breakfast and pre-meeting at Wendy ’s. Talking with Andrew he quickly identified himself as a knowledgeable fisherman, training his father taught him except for one category ice fishing.
We caravanned to Lower Lake Ranch and moved on to the lake to start drilling ice. Andrew large smile came about when I asked him if he wanted to operate the auger. Experience one the feeling achievement drilling through 30 inches of ice. Scoop out the ice bait the small Lindy trout jig with a minnow, set the depth of the line and place the bobber in the 10-inch hole. His mother and sister were next to begin the experience. Lisa lowered her reel line and jig below the ice and was immediately hooked with the first fish a nice 17-inch rainbow. The family excitement was set for the morning. Then sister caught a 14-inch rainbow. Andrew was excited for them, but why not my prime hole? Then his patients paid off, got one he yelled out with a big grin from ear to ear, a nice 17-inch rainbow. He handled the fish like a professional, released it and went right back down the hole. Lisa feeling a little cold went to the SUV and returned with her home made hot chocolate for everyone. What a treat.
As time was drawing to an end and some nice rainbows, one brown trout and some cutthroats Andrew was looking for the one last big fish. Lisa said time to go as the wind was starting to cool the air, Mom just 5-more minutes. OK, just 5-minutes. Andrew was hovering over the 10-inch hole, as if talking to any big fish that heard his mental plea, “Get on that hook fish!” Andrew learned the Vexilar that morning and was watching the flasher, “look the red marks”, is indicating a fish. Then he pulled the bait up to the mark as he was taught, set the hook and WHAM the battle was on. About 10-minuts later and following the ice catching rules he landed a 20-inch brown trout. The biggest fish that I have ever caught, WOW I am excited. Thanks for the experience and instructions. He gladly packed-up and left the ice. Oh, by the way his mother and sister now want to do more ice fishing. There is something about fishing uniting the family with shared fun. Pictures and a video followed the outing.